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  • Devportal installation

Developer Portal Installation and Practices

Developer portal V2 will give you a brand new interface with improved functionality in content editing filtering, better UI and also best in class performance.


Use Composer to download latest source code and settings. Change YOUR_DIRECTORY_NAME and name it as you like for your installation root.

composer create-project stratus-meridian/drupal8-composer-project:8.x-dev YOUR_DIRECTORY_NAME --no-interaction

Creating files and folders for your install

The package installer is supposed to create all files and folders you require. This should help in creating project’s directory structure.

LocationCan I modify These ?
Stratus Meridian Profile files'/web/profiles/contrib/sm_dev_portal'Not advisable, because when you install updates, these will be overwritten.
Drupal Core Files/web/core/Never touch these files. Security breaches can happen!
Custom Modules/ Themes/web/modules/custom/ and /web/themes/custom/All your custom code should live here

Issues ?

Please raise an issue here on https://github.com/stratus-meridian/sm_dev_portal.

Schematic of Developer portal connecting to Apigee Edge

The following chart shows how Apigee edge interacts with Developer portal. Apps, Developers, developer keys and tokens are synced from edge to dev portal. New Developers are created on portal, then synced back to edge, along with their apps and keys.

graph LR
A[Apigee Edge]  --> B((Apps))
A --> C((Devs))
B --> D{Developer Portal}
C --> D
E(New Developers) --requesting access to portal --> D
D{Developer Portal} --sync apps and developers back to edge --> A
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